A Millennial Morning Routine For Every Day

I performed the same routines for hours on end each day at gymnastics practice. You’d think I would have realized the concept at work much sooner. The concept: practice makes perfect. Easy to understand when applied to training on the balance beam. But it took me until recently to realize I could apply this concept everywhere in my life to find the same kind of “muscle memory” I want to master in my day to day life too. 

Last year I read the book Atomic Habits (linked here) and it triggered something in me I hadn’t felt in almost a while, discipline. The reason why I was able to do a double back flip while remembering to point my toes and smile for the landing was because I practiced it that way! And before I ever practiced it, I studied what I’d need to do to complete the skill without killing myself in the process. 

Thus a millennial morning routine for every day was born! I’m not perfect every day, but I know that practice makes perfect. And if I make a plan and turn it into habit, I’m sure to succeed. I hope this inspires you to make the most of your mornings too!

image of bed with coffee tray. text overlay reads: a millennials morning routine for everyday

Before We Begin

Before you can make your own millennial morning routine, and before I even share mine, I want us to take a step back. Prior to creating my quarantine morning routine, I took some time writing down all the things that make me feel good. Without judgement, I listed out all the things big and small that could help me have an excellent morning. Once that list was complete, I then determined the absolute earliest time I would commit to waking up. From there, I fit in as much of my “feel good” list as I could. With some trial and error, I was able to create a routine that works for me (most of the time, I’m still human!).

After you’ve taken some time to digest my morning schedule, I encourage you to follow the same process for yourself. It’s definitely a game changer to build your habits with purpose and forethought behind it.

image of woman with engagement ring, sitting crosslegged with a notebook, writing

A Good Morning

7:20am: rise and shine!

I never considered myself a morning person. But early on in the pandemic I realized that I would need to be much more purposeful with my morning routine to maintain my sanity. That includes waking up early enough to accomplish everything I’d like to do before work, even if it feels against my nature. That’s I love my new alarm clock! I haven’t had one in forever but it’s been a game changer in terms of my sleep goals. Yes, I have sleep goals lol. I keep it across the room from me, and it doubles as a phone charger. Giving me no excuse to pick up my phone at night. Making it much easier to fall asleep and get up on time.

Once I wake up I go to the bathroom. Then immediately get back in bed for what I affectionately call “morning musings”. That’s basically the 15-20 minute period it takes me to fully wake up. I ponder why I’m awake, recall a dream, or anything else that pops into my mind at the time. There’s something very grounding about having a moment to fully gather yourself before tackling the day. This is also the time where I begin drinking my 12oz of water because hydration is KEY.

image of water being poured into a clear glass
7:45am: level set

A daily devotion used to sound impossible. Today, it’s a key practice in my morning routine that keeps me on top of my game. I love starting my day by reflecting on how I might be able to make the most of it by focusing on a specific area of my life, even if it’s just for a day. Lately I’ve been using Awaken to start my day. After my devotion, I’ll pick out a book to read for 15ish minutes before I finally make my way out of bed.

8:20am: up and at em!

At this point, I’ve been avoiding eye contact with my dog for at least 5 minutes so I know it’s time to get up. I put on my comfiest walking gear and head out for a morning stroll. On a good day, I may even do a HIIT workout or some yoga after the walk. Regardless, I feel my best when I’ve had some movement in my day so I make a conscious effort to start my day by getting the blood pumping. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness too!

image of lower legs of a woman walking outdoors on a track on morning walk
9:20am: the basics

After our morning walk I feed the dog, then take care of myself. That includes a hot shower, a cute but comfy outfit for my current work-from-home lifestyle, and on really good (or bad) days, I’ll even do my hair and makeup too. I grab a quick breakfast of yogurt, fruit and granola, or oatmeal.

10:00am: alignment

This is my absolute favorite part of my millennial morning routine. This is the hour I take each day before work to ensure that all my priorities are together. I’ll organize both my work and personal day. As well as any projects or tasks from my social media business that needs tending to. Review this every day allows me to take time to remember what’s most important.

At the end of this hour, I spend the final 5 minutes practicing my 2 favorite mantras. I truly believe they’ve been a huge contributing factor to the new found peace I’ve nurtured during quarantine and in improving my morning routine. I highly encourage you to recite them to yourself as well.

black woman sitting at desk with computer, planning her morning

That’s it! A millennial’s morning routine made easy. It might not be every day, but remember: practice makes perfect. And each day you put this, or your own personal plan in place, you’re getting that much closer to the person you deserve to be for yourself.


Taryn Allyssa


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