7 Book Recommendations That Changed My Life

Okay so, the fact that I have 7 book recommendations that changed my life is actually very surprising. Reading and I have had a pretty rocky relationship. In my early years, probably until I was 14 years old, I absolutely loved to read. I was a BIG fan of sci-fi, young adult, dystopia type stuff. I mean, magic, mystery, teen drama; who doesn’t love that stuff? Some parents catch their kids up in the middle of the night sneaking in extra game or tv time, but I was sneaking in reading time courtesy of my gameboy light. But as reading became more intensive throughout high school and college, my desire to read decreased as the books I had to read increased.

It wasn’t until the pandemic that I really got into reading for pleasure and growth again. I’ve read 10 books in the past year. I’m sure someone’s read more. Maybe you’ve read less? We are not in competition, I’m just here to build community. Today’s blog post is all about elevating your life through reading. And it doesn’t matter if you’re an avid reader or just dabbling, this list has a little something for anyone who enjoys growth and a good read.  

1. The Happiness Advantage

By far one of the best books to read during pandemic times. It’s all about how we can shift our focus to the positives, to make the most of any situation we’re in, no matter how negative it may seem. This book, without a doubt, saved me mentally.

2. Awaken

This book had to make this list because it’s been such an anchor in my life. Unlike most of the other books on this list, there isn’t a whole lot of reading to be done. But instead, these short passages provide space for the reader to explore their relationship with God and journal about their journey in Christ and how one might center Him throughout daily life.

3. The Mind of an Entrepreneur

A perfect read for anyone unsure if they have “what it takes” to become an entrepreneur, especially if you identify as a Black woman. Author Wendy Muhammad does a wonderful job telling her story while also dropping gems on the hard work and mindset one needs in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Image of Taryn Allyssa, smiling and holding 3 books: Dress Your Best Life

4. Dress Your Best Life

If you’re into psychology and fashion like me, then Dawnn Karen is the author for you. This book talks all about how clothing can influence the unconscious mind and give loads of tips on how to literally dress for your best life.

5. Atomic Habits

This is by far the biggest game changer book of the bunch. It’s super easy to read and apply, with tips that work well on their own, but work even better together. This is a great book for anyone hoping to make small improvements each and every day, without feeling burnt out.

6. The Big Leap

Have you ever been read by a book that you thought you were reading? If not, then buckle up. While this book is meant to uplift and inspire you to take the next big step in your life, it’s also going to shake up memories from the past you didn’t even realize helped shape you. Prepare for some MAJOR growth after this read.

7. Getting Things Done

Feeling like all you do is try to stay organized but you cannot for the life of you figure out how to manage everything you’ve got going on in your busy life? Then this one’s for you. The ultimate organization system is just a read away. But be warned, this book is a bit heavy on the text, but that’s because the real life work is right around the corner. And you’ll only get out what you put in – admittedly, I’m still working on this one.

image of Taryn Allyssa leaning on a stack of books

And that’s it! I hope this list helps spark your interest in reading for growth this year.

Happy reading!


Taryn Allyssa


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