3 Vibes for VDay Playlists

Late last month I did a poll on my Instagram asking my audience for their status this Valentine’s Day. The answers really varied so instead of one, I’m giving you 3 Vibes for Vday Playlists this weekend. Whether you’re looking to have a socially distanced party, cuddle up with your boo, or chill solo in your feels, this ones for you!

Warning !!!!!

Explicit lyrics ahead. This one’s for the grown and sexy. Sorry kids!

P.S. The wordpress gods were against me, so I couldn’t embed the playlists, but clicking the images will take you to them (:

– Management aka Taryn

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For the Lit

Single and ready to mingle (on zoom)? Or maybe you’re hosting a virtual Galentine’s with your friends. However you plan to safely turn up, the Lit Valentine’s Day playlist will certainly get your Vday started!

3 Vibes for Vday Playlists The Lit Valentine's Day Playlist

For the Lovers

Celebrating the night with dinner in? Or maybe heading out for a romantic getaway? The Lovers Valentine’s Day playlist is the perfect balance between lovers and friends. The two main ingredients for a great romantic relationship (;

3 Vibes for Vday Playlists The Lovers Valentine's Day Playlist

For the Lonely

Okay, okay. This title is a bit dramatic but I love a good alliteration. Whether you’re happy and single or lonely and single, the Lonely Valentine’s Day playlist is full of all the feels. If you’re down to tap into your emotions, this one’s a hitter.

3 Vibes for Vday Playlists The Lonely Valentine's Day Playlist

Okay! That’s it. The 3 Vibes for Vday Playlists are all yours to slap! May they suit any mood you find yourself in this weekend.

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day! <3


Taryn Allyssa


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