Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room

When you last saw me on this platform I was proclaiming my title as “influencer”. I even had the audacity to tell you how to get started as a content creator in a blog post too.

Then I went ghost.

So let’s address the elephant in the room: what I’ve been up to and what’s next.

blog post title that reads: Let's address the elephant in the room - written by content creator Taryn Allyssa

Girl where you been?

Okay so since April I’ve had plenty of highs and lows. I won’t be sharing them all in this blog post. But if you’re feeling inquisitive, feel free to check out these two YouTube videos. They’ll give you a month by month break down and other relevant updates from the last 12 months or so.

Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there (;

Catch up on all things Taryn from January 2021 to July 2021.
Catch up on all things Taryn from August 2021 to December 2021.

Life Updates

In May of 2021 my first paid content went live and it was an amazing feeling. Even better, it was for a cause I support – access to vaccinations and vaccine information. While I’m not one to jump to be first in line to receive an injection, I am definitely for equality in access to medicine. This was a super affirming event that gave me a glimpse into what my life as a paid content creator would be like.

August 2021 I finally turned 30! I feel like I’ve been calling myself 30 since I turned 25 lol. But now that I officially am, I think I love it. I celebrated my birthday all month long by completing a 31 day social media challenge, doing a photo shoot, and gathering with family and friends. I felt so loved and wouldn’t have wanted to do it any other way.

All images shot by the amazing Erica Cardoza

Wedding updates are scarce…and I don’t say that with a smile. Those closest to me know it’s been a bit of an emotional process for me. I’m rarely one to dive into things head first and wedding planning has turned out to be no different. I always want to do things the “right” way. But with a variety of ways to jump the broom, saying I suffer from decision paralysis would be an understatement. Prayerfully, more updates to come in the near future.

By September 2021, I was feeling burnt out. Between starting a new role at work, feeling overwhelmed by life changes, and business as a content creator, I was being pulled in many directions. Each area of my life seeming to need more of me than I had to give. My routines became more and more optional. The vision board I’d used to reimagine my life was losing its luster.

So what’s next?

As I wrapped up my 2021, I was reminded of when the Instagram algorithm crashed in October 2021. I tried to play it off like I hadn’t made the platform my “end all, be all” but that really had me shooketh. This experience made me realize how much of my value I was putting into likes, on content I love, on a platform that I don’t own!

The work I need to do to level up in my life and my business exists outside of the app and I’m determined to start this year strong. This year I want to get more specific as to what success as a content creator and business woman looks like to me. I don’t want to spend time on things that do not serve my goals.

I share my professional, personal, and business goals in more detail during my most recent YouTube video (embedded above) but here’s a quick peak at my influencer biz goals for 2022:

  • Reach 20k people per month across all platforms
  • Collaborate with at least 10 creators/entrepreneurs
  • Grow my IG audience to 6k
  • Make +$12k through my brand

Admittedly, it took me far longer to sit down and write this post than I thought it would, especially given how brief it is. But there’s something kind of freeing, albeit therapeutic, about writing it all down.

So we’ll see what else is next for me, but I promise I won’t stop til I figure it out.


Taryn Allyssa
