How to Get Started as a Content Creator in 2021 | The 5 C’s of Content Creation

I’ve considered myself a content creator or influencer since I posted my very first YouTube video back in 2018. But even before then, I was determined to unlock the secrets behind the success of the most popular internet celebrities. And now that I’ve got a few collabs and plenty of failures under my belt, I feel ready to share what I’ve learned so far. If you were wondering how to get started as a content creator in 2021, then look no further than the 5 C’s of content creation.

An image of a woman recording a video of herself, holding and talking about a blouse; with text overlay that reads: How to get started as a content creator in 2021 The 5 C's of content creation

The 5 C’s of Content Creation

1. Check your ego

Yup, you read that correctly. CHECK. YOUR. EGO. Leave it behind. Because if your ONLY purpose as a content creator is to gain likes or validation you are playing the absolute wrong game. The internet can be a harsh and unforgiving place. A place where, what feels like your BEST work, can be hated or even worse, ignored. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable to failure and heartbreak is the only way you’ll truly find success and happiness throughout your creative journey. If you are not in a place in your life where you can receive critical feedback, be reflective, and consistently push through adversity, you may not be ready to begin.

a hand cutting through a piece of paper that reads: EGO. With other scraps of paper in the background

2. Consider your why

One of the best ways to ensure that your ego doesn’t take you off course is to know your why. It’s pretty simple, if you do not know WHY you want to do something, you very likely won’t do it. We are creatures of habit. We like things to be easy, and consistent. But as we just read in number one, the internet is anything but. And when things get rough, having a strong connection with WHY you want something, makes it a lot more compelling to show up on the days when you really don’t feel like it.

Often times, our greatest reason why is providing other people value. Whether it be a product, service, or pure inspiration. And once you’ve determined your why, you can create long and short term goals to guide your focus even more. But the best part about your why is that can evolve as you do! As you master more skills and grow into your authentic self, your why can transform your old vision into something even greater than you ever thought possible.

image of desk with a computer keyboard, flowers and post-it notes scattered across it.

3. Create some boundaries

Once you know your why, you’ll be amazed at how many new ideas will flow from you. And you’ll want to do them ALL. But as I’ll continue to say, this work is HARD and burn out is real. Creating some boundaries around work and play can allow you space to tend to the other parts of your life during this journey as well. One way I do this is by setting screen time limits on my social apps, especially Instagram. For more on this you can check out my blog post covering The Social Dilemma.

Boundaries should extend to friends and family too. Some of the people in your life, yes even the people who love you, will not always understand or want to be a part of what you’re building. And that’s okay. You’ll need to be prepared to ask for support when you need it, make it work if you don’t get it, and respect the boundaries of others who simply don’t want to be included in your content. On the flip side, you may have people in your life who are always asking you about a project or something they want you to be a part of. Make sure you establish some healthy boundaries here too, and check in with your why before taking on any additional work – especially if people are asking you to do things for FREE.

image of barbed wire fence, grassy plains, and a blue sky with big fluffy clouds

4. Collaborate early and often

One of my biggest regrets from early on in my creator journey is that I didn’t collaborate enough. I was scared of sharing what I was doing. Partly because my why was less clear) but also because I was intimidated by other creators. Over time I learned that building connections with others is actually invaluable. And now when I’m thinking of new projects, I’m also thinking about who might be a good fit to bring even more value to the work. Building a community of folks with similar goals and challenges is a great way to move forward and push the needle of success together. Don’t hesitate to reach out to folks online to make some real world magic happen.

a group of 5 people huddle over a laptop, collaborating

5. Cherish your community

As your community of peers and followers grows – as it inevitably will because you’re providing value – cherish it. Nurture it. Give props when they’re unexpected, but always when they’re due. Share the stories of others. Show love to those you admire. And be a light for others, showing them how to build with you too. Because without them, what you built wouldn’t have been nearly as great.

group of 6 people having a group hug on the beach at sunset

So now what?

You’re ready! Go out and provide all the value you can, remember your why, and have the time of your life while you’re doing it!


Taryn Allyssa
