A Millennial’s 30 Before 30 Bucket List

Whether you’re chillin in your 20s, knocking on 30’s door, or thriving on the other side of it, A Millennial’s 30 Before 30 Bucket List can help you prepare for the big 3-0 and beyond.

Taryn Allyssa, cheer-sing with a champagne glass

Happy birthday to me!

Okay, so I know what you’re thinking, “Taryn, you LITERALLY just turned 29. Why are you already thinking about turning 30?” Well, if you know me IRL then you’ll know I’ve been calling myself 30 since before I turned 25. But really…


25 was the last birthday I really felt excited about – hello car rentals! I now recognize that my fear of aging, while normal, is probably not the healthiest way to deal with the inevitable. So I’m using 29 as an opportunity to shift my thinking about aging. With this 30 before 30 bucket list I’ll celebrate my personal growth and inspire you to look forward to your 30s as well. 

Some items on this list are lighter than others but all come highly recommended by me. Without further ado, here is my 30 before 30 Bucket List.

Image of text that reads: A Millennial's 30 before 30 bucket list

The Light Stuff: totally fun, but also totally optional.

1. Learn your drink order

I don’t know about you but I’m not a big drinker these days. When I do indulge, I want to make sure I have a tasty beverage that’s great for the night, but doesn’t make me regret it in the morning. Saying goodbye to Black Supermans, AMFs, Long Island Ice Teas is what’s best for everyone involved as you approach your 30s.

For a few drink ideas click here.

Bar tender pouring a drink at the bar.

2. Create your own music video

I’m talking bigger than a Tik Tok but less than a visual project dropped by Beyoncé. Who hasn’t dreamt about starring in their own music video? Talk about big boss energy! No actual singing required. Just pick your favorite song and have fun with it. The more serious you are with your vision, the cooler it will turn out.

3. Get your portrait taken

You probably haven’t had a proper portrait taken since your senior portrait in high school and I’d imagine you look a little different since then. Hire a photographer, or use a studio, pick a date, a theme and voila! Bomb photos to keep for a lifetime. Definitely consider doing this every few years or so to see how you’ve glowed up over time.

4. Purge your camera roll & make a scrapbook

Let’s face it, your camera roll is a mess. And while it’s possible you might need to hold on to that one photo, from that one night, at that one bar, when you and your homegirls were really drunk and rode a tandem bike in 2013, you don’t also need 1,000 different astrological memes and screen shots of products from Amazon that you don’t need to buy. So unless you plan to upgrade your iCloud storage (like I had to do) it’s probably time to remove any unnecessary clutter. But for the classic pics you just can’t let go of, print them out and throw them in a scrapbook to be laughed at later, in privacy.

Polaroid photo collage. Add to Purge your camera roll & make a scrapbook your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

5. Go 30 days without watching tv

I love watching television. It’s one of my favorite pastimes. But I always wonder how different my productivity would be if I didn’t. So this is more of an experiment or challenge, to see if adopting new habits will benefit you. If you’re not a tv watcher, consider exchanging this with something comparable like scrolling on Tik Tok or watching videos on YouTube.

6. Treat yourself

If you’re already a big spender, or if you’re trying to decrease your debt this may be one to skip. But for those who lead a more conservative lifestyle when it comes to shopping, this may be just the reward you need. Set a goal, get in your bag, and treat yourself at the finish line with that thing(s) you’ve always wanted but don’t think you deserve to buy for yourself. But save your coins accordingly. It does you no good to treat yourself only to turn around and be stressed over your debt.

7. Become a plant parent

There’s something very Zen about taking care of something that can only communicate to you through wilting or flourishing. Maintaining such a delicate balance is both exciting and a little terrifying.

Looking for a plant in the Bay Area, try here.

Plants of various sizes and type, resting on a wooden shelf. Add to Become a plant parent your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

8. Take a girl’s trip

Or a guy’s trip, or a non-binary trip. Whoever’s going, just make sure they’re people you know you can travel with and experience minimal drama with. Preferably no couples, just friends looking to have a good time in each other’s presence.

For advice on traveling during covid, click here.

9. Make a full-course meal

This isn’t something you’ll need to do all the time, but when your funds gets tight and you want a meal that isn’t a grilled cheese and a cup of noodles, it’s dope to know how to cook it for yourself. And you don’t have to be a master chef either. Head to Pinterest to find something that suits your palette and fits in your budget.

10. Define your style

Unless Marie Condo is your mother, I suggest taking an inventory of your closet because I’m sure there are some items in there that you don’t need, or don’t need to wear, anymore. Whether we like it or not, what we wear communicates to the world on our behalf before we can even open our mouths. It’s better to have the upper hand by always feeling confident in what you wear each and every day. Consider reading “Dress Your Best Life” by Dawnn Karen to get you closet curation started.

Clothing hanging on a rack in a boutique. Add to Define your style your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

The Grown-up Stuff: pretty practical and definitely worth doing ASAP.

11. Handle your education

Take it from someone who “took a break” after undergrad. Once you really start working, and life’s responsibilities fall squarely in your lap, the thought of doing more schooling isn’t all that appealing. I’m not saying you need to get a bachelor’s or master’s degree, but whatever your life’s calling is, make sure you’ve got some knowledge and experience to back up. More degrees, certifications, etc. usually translates to higher compensation.

12. Build your reading habits

The education system can cause us to develop a distain for reading. That usually comes from reading things that don’t align with our interest, or feeling forced to read in general. And while reader’s burnout is totally real, we can’t let that stop us from seeking knowledge, or escaping reality, through reading. An easy way to get started, set a reading goal for each day – reading whatever floats your boat – for a pre-determined amount of time. You’ll be amazed at how many books you can finish this way. Start making your book list today.

I talk more about this habit in my How I’m Surviving 2020 YouTube video.

Hands holding an open book. Add to Build your reading habits your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

13. Move out

Now let me start by saying everyone’s situation is different, and for various reasons this may not work for you. But for those who can, I highly encourage it. As I write this from my bedroom, in my mother’s house, I think about how scary and gratifying moving out will be. If you have a great relationship with your family, it may seem foolish to leave their comfort – but as we all know, there’s growth on the other side of discomfort. Get your funds together and move on out.

14. Decorate your space

It’s proven that people can be more efficient in spaces designed for their current task, so why should your living space be any different? Whether you live alone or with others, decorating and organizing your space leads to optimal performance. Nothing feels better than a room designed to enhance your comfort and your mood. Only diving into decorating your space can bring you that. No glow in the dark stars on the ceiling or LED string lights do not count (unless that’s really your thing).

Head over to Pinterest for ideas to get your started.

15. Find your people

Are you an educator in need of some lesson planning ideas? Or a doctor who’d like to debrief from your day by talking with friends without having to stop and explain medical lingo every 10 seconds? Or maybe you’re an aspiring influencer, but your family and friends just don’t get why snapping this shot at the right angle is so important to you? Different relationships in our lives serve different purposes. Building intentional connections with people who share your interests and values is a great way to grow in your work or passion. Find your people and connect with them often.

Group of 6 people. all hugging on the beach at sunset. Add to Find your people your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

16. Take a solo trip

I know, sounds scary – maybe even boring, but we could all use some quality time with ourselves. And the best part is, you don’t have to go far to feel the advantages of truly being on your own schedule during getaway.

For advice on traveling during covid, click here.

17. Learn a new skill

Maybe a new language? Or perhaps you’re interested in graphic design? Whatever your interests, there are plenty of resources about a ton of topics that can both broaden your horizons and better yet, turn into a cool new stream of income.

18. Figure out what gets you moving

Take it from a former D1 athlete, that young, tight body you only serve junk food and wine but still fits your high school prom dress is a fleeting. Figure out what gets you moving and make that a part of your regular routine. Cycling, yoga, zumba, ultimate frisbee, daily walks; whatever it is, just make sure you do it. Vanity aside, the healthy habits you form now will only help you in the long run, so why not start now while you’re young(er)?

For more ideas to get you moving, like mermaid classes, click here.

19. Plan for retirement

It’s never too early to start thinking about your future and by 30. Even if you’re only able to save a little, put it aside. And if you do nothing else, open up a high-yield savings account, deposit whatever you can each month, don’t touch it, and watch it grow. But make sure you do your homework and find the bank that works best for you.

To get your homework started, click here.

5 stacks of coins, each with a plant growing from it. Each stack and plant growing larger in ascending order. Add to Plan for retirement your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

20. Invest

Make that money you’re saving work for you by investing! You don’t have to start with some crazy amount and you don’t need to be an expert to start. Start asking folks in your network, parents, friends, whomever, if they’re investing and what they’ve learned so far. Don’t be afraid to talk to people about money, I’ve learned so much from just inquiring about what other people are doing to make their money work for them. And depending on your job, you may even have access to a financial advisor who can get you started in the right direction too. There’s also apps like Robinhood that can help you get started with minimal hassle or knowhow.

To learn more about investing, start here.

The Real Stuff: we don’t talk about these enough, but probably should.

21. Create a vision board

Full-discloser: I haven’t done one since I was a kid because I lowkey thought they were stupid, but y’all they really work! Just like leaving your running shoes at the foot of your bed cues you for your morning run, creating a vision board can help remind you of your goals and pump up your motivation. If you’re feeling fancy you can create one by taking screen shots in your phone and editing your collage in an app like Canva or PicsArts. But if arts and crafts are more your speed, you can simply gather some magazines or news paper, scissors, and glue; and design your vision board the old-fashioned way.

22. Calendar social media blackout days

In my 15 years of being on social media I don’t ever recall taking a hiatus – aside from that one time my parents found my unauthorized Myspace account lol. But we now know that there’s a downside to excessive social media usage, so creating boundaries with it can help reduce some of the negative impacts endless scrolling produces. Depending on how you use social media this may look different for you. Maybe your social media accounts are purely for fun so nothing will be “lost” if you step away for days at a time. But if social media is a part of your job, try setting strict parameters for what “work” actually entails so you can still meet your business goals while giving your mental a break.

For more on how social media can affect your mental health, click here.

23. Reduce your carbon footprint

We all have a responsibility to save our planet but how we do that will look different for everyone. Maybe you’re vegan. Maybe you shy away from single use plastics. Or maybe you only shop second hand so you don’t contribute to fast-fashion. Do some soul searching and some Google searching to figure out what you can do to lessen your impact on the planet.

For more info on how to calculate your footprint and for ideas for how to reduce it, click here.

Footprints in sand at the beach. Add to Reduce your carbon footprint your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

24. Develop your mindfulness toolkit

Your mind is your greatest superpower. Knowing what you need to be your best in times of stress can help you bounce back from life’s ups and downs. Meditate, read your bible, take a walk, color. Choose whatever works for you, but just make sure you choose something you like and do it often.

For some of my favorite ways to practice click here.

25. Create a self-care routine

They say your 30s are like your 20s but with money. And Biggie said, “Mo money, mo problems.” So I’m saying, making sure your vessel is in tip top shape. Schedule time for some “me” time. Do that face mask, get that pedicure, sip some wine. But also see your therapist, practice your mindfulness routines, and schedule regular check-ups and teeth cleanings. This will only serve to benefit you physically, mentally, and financially in the long run.

26. Seek cultural competence

Was 2020 an awakening for you? Are their groups of people now clogging your newsfeed or your brain who you’d never really thought about before? Are there groups of people you just “don’t get”? Instead of othering them, or dismissing them, seek to understand them. This will be an ongoing process. It may even be uncomfortable at certain points, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to bring your light into every space, without unknowingly dimming the light in others.

For more on cultural competence and how to strive for it, click here.

27. Give back

Whether you’re giving back with your wallet, your skills, or your time, find a cause that you can contribute to that makes a positive impact in other people’s lives. You’ll not only feel amazing because you’re contributing to something larger than yourself, but you’ll also know you’re making someone else’s situation better too. Add your give back schedule to your calendar so you can track your efforts.

For ideas on how to give back, click here. And for ideas on who to support, click here.

Hands cupped together holding a heart shaped rock. Add to Give back your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

28. Connect with your higher power

If you’re like me, you grew up in and around the church. Then you moved out of your parents house and your attendance fell. Or maybe you’ve begun to question the teachings of your upbringing? Either way, setting aside time to tap-in to your higher power can be so grounding and fulfilling. Although this isn’t one of those things you just “figure out” in a day, building some habits around your purpose and drawing strength from whatever or whomever gives your life purpose is a crazy powerful tool.

29. Land a paid brand deal

This might not make sense to you. I know this is VERY specific. But I was scared to write it, so I had to write it. This is something I’d really like to do but I’m terrified of it because I know it won’t be easy. I know I can and will fail many times before I get to what I want. So whatever that is for you right now, go do it. Push past the fear and don’t stop til you get it – even if it takes you past your 30s.

30. Make your 40 before 40 list

Is this a cop out? Maybe. Should you still do it anyway? Yes. Once you’ve gotten everything checked off your 30 before 30 bucket list it’s time to start drafting your 40 before 40 list.

Hands writing on paper - Add to Make your 40 before 40 list your 30 Before 30 Bucket List

I hope you’ve found some gems in the Millennials 30 Before 30 Bucket List. I can’t wait to tackle them all!


Taryn Allyssa
