A Weekend Getaway: My Advice for Safe Travel During Covid-19

I can’t believe it but I actually left my house during the Covid-19 pandemic. Safe travel is totally possible and it was the best thing I could have done for myself.

And you can do it too. 

You know I had to get this trip on camera. For a more intimate view of my trip, check out my vlog and subscribe to my youtube channel.

If you know me personally, or follow me on Instagram then you’ll know that I’ve been taking the pandemic pretty seriously. I’ve limited my outings, decreased my social circle, and best believe I keep that mask on honey! Although I am definitely a homebody at heart, just KNOWING that I can’t travel and go out and about as I please has made me want to leave that much more. 

Our new normal is here to stay. And while travel by train and plane are still accessible, the risks may not be worth the rewards. But in July I found myself itching for a change of scenery and decided that there had to be a safe travel solution. So here’s my advice for those of you who want to experience an awesome weekend getaway right in your own backyard.

It should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway, I am not a medical expert. This is in no way a foolproof method to avoid sickness, but these are the steps that I took to feel safe while traveling during the pandemic.

Get a Map

This may seem a little self-explanatory but you can’t book a trip without knowing where you’re going. Jot down a list of cities you’d be interested in traveling to that are within driving distance – let’s say between 1-4 hours away. Then grab a map (aka your phone) and write down some adjacent cities too. I’d never heard of Fairfax before this trip. Had I not expanded my initial search to include neighboring cities I would have missed out.

Research County Guidelines

Once you’ve narrowed down your region of choice make sure you’re informed on any Covid-19 county guidelines. A quick Google search is usually all you’ll need to understand how the area is handling the pandemic. If an area has a ton of cases, you probably don’t need to be visiting there right now. For more information about California click here.

*BONUS TIP* While researching about the area we also looked into local outdoor attractions like hiking trails and parks, as well demographics, and incidents of racism/discrimination – safe travel Black woman addition!

Airbnb Over Hotel

I’m team Airbnb for a few reasons but the biggest reason I suggest this now is because of foot traffic. More often than not, you’re staying at an Airbnb by yourself or with whomever you’re traveling with. Most Airbnbs have set up no contact check-in that allows you to enjoy your stay without having to encounter anyone. For more pros and cons of Airbnbs and hotels click here.

Taryn Allyssa demonstrating how to do safe travel in her Airbnb.

Research Airbnb’s Covid-19 Policies

In March Airbnb updated their cancellation policies in response to the pandemic. All stays booked before March 15th, for trips between March 14th and Sept 2020, could be cancelled without penalty due to Covid-19 concerns. The biggest takeaway here is that, aside from either the host or guest contracting Covid-19, all their regular cancellation fees will apply. So if you change your mind about your trip or something comes up, you’re likely going to lose some money. More details about this policy can be found here.

*BONUS TIP* Use the messaging features within the Airbnb app to chat with your host about the safety precautions they’re taking to keep guests safe.


Now that your trip is booked you can start getting ready. I HIGHLY recommend packing your own cleaning supplies to ensure that the cleanliness is up to your standards. We wiped down EVERYTHING prior to settling in even though we knew that the place was recently cleaned. We also brought our own bedding and towels.

*BONUS TIP* Purchase your food, entertainment, and cleaning supplies in your comfort zone to minimize your time in potentially crowded locations like the grocery store. You’re going to be more efficient in your hometown store.

Taryn Allyssa demonstrating how to do safe travel in her Airbnb.
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“Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.”

Lawrence Block

So take that trip!

Because you never know what unexpected joys it might bring you. I planned my trip to escape and decompress from a long and draining summer. But what I found was creativity and motivation.

Your next adventure is out there, just a short drive away. Who knows what you’ll discover.

Taryn Allyssa demonstrating how to do safe travel in her Airbnb.

For more of my vlog adventures click here.


Taryn Allyssa
